We fully realize that the costs of a legal procedure can create a huge amount of additional stress and/or concern on your side.
Kroonen Verdult & Menheere Lawyers would like to alleviate said concerns by ways of timely and transparent communications regarding the applicable rates.
Before reading any further, please note that quotes from different offices cannot be easily compared one on one. It is not just about the hourly rate, but much more important is the final amount you will spend on your case. The total hours worked on your case is and will always continue to be a major factor. With this in mind it is good to know that Kroonen Verdult & Menheere Lawyers solely specializes in family law and therefore can help you very effectively, thus minimizing where possible the hours worked and therefor the total costs as well.
Hourly Rate
Due to the high degree of specialization and experience, Kroonen Verdult & Menheere Lawyers can charge lower rates compared to other offices. Furthermore at Kroonen Verdult & Menheere Lawyers we do not, unlike many other law firms is, charge you a fixed percentage covering “office expenses”.
The hourly rate is exactly what you will be charged; at our firm you will not encounter any unexpected and unpleasant increases as we believe in full transparency. Kroonen & Verdult Lawyers offers specialist knowledge at competitive rates. The current (per January 1, 2023 ) fee is € 200.00 per hour (excluding VAT). Since we feel it is paramount to communicate in a clear and transparent manner we would like to stress that the above price for individuals (who cannot offset the applicable VAT) amounts to € 242,00 including VAT.
Flat rates
We understand that you would like to have full clarity upfront regarding the total expected costs, however not every case lends itself to be charged at a fixed rate. This applies in particular to cases where it is difficult to estimate exactly how much time will be involved with the case.
Should you feel that your particular case lends itself to be charged at a fixed rate? Please do not hesitate to contact us. In well-defined cases we are happy to offer and agree to a flat rate.
Legal Aid
Possibly you are eligible for legal aid. Should this be the case the Dutch State covers the subsequent costs of your lawyer with the exception of a one off contribution from your side. For more information please check the website of the legal aid Board, www.rechtsbijstand.nl.
Kroonen Verdult & Menheere Lawyers does not handle international cases based on legal ai