Free Phone consultation
Home / Free Phone consultation
Home / Free Phone consultation
We at Kroonen Verdult & Menheere Lawyers fully understand and appreciate that a phone-call about such personal and private issues as a proposed divorce, child support or visitation rights is preferably made in an environment allowing you the privacy needed. Naturally we also understand that this is not always a viable option during the busy day-time when you find yourself in a demanding working environment or even at home with your children present.
For this reason we would like to inform you that Kroonen Verdult & Menheere Lawyers gladly offers you the possibility to contact our offices in the evenings on Monday’ s and Wednesday’s between 19.00 hours and 21.00 hours. Should you give us a call on +31 (0)10 260 3000 either Marjanne Kroonen, Marja Verdult or Maria Menheere will directly answer your call and will review whether they can be of any (legal) assistance and how to proceed.
A follow-up appointment, which can also be scheduled in the evening!, is easily made.
May we also answer the phone for your call with “Goedenavond”